Wait a second ... This si not House xD But its good so no blaming :) Good job
Wait a second ... This si not House xD But its good so no blaming :) Good job
Thank You for tuning in Norato! =)
Glad You enjoyed the music song!
BAM! P.E.F. WAM! D.A.P. DJ, TIGER M ^_~*
Pěkný :) Jsem rád že furt děláš hudbu ;) Jen tak dál.
Tohle byla rychlovka co jsem spráskal s neteří :D
Bad bass right in the intro, also, Intro ? Where did you heard such an intro ? Listen to current music, this is not even considered a song, just a bulsh*t u made here. Also that intro crash is too damn laud, no reverb, delay on it, no mastering at all, no compresing !!! And that´s for almost everything.
Build up of 5 year old. No pitch raising, no originality, probably sample (Will get to them right in second). Drop is also terrible. Please don´t call this ,,TECHNO,, call it experimental bulsh*t it is.
Another thing I hated is that I am pretty sure 100% of your songs are samples only. You didn´t crated any of the songs I can hear. Again, 0 originality.
I mean don´t take this like end of the world, you are just not creative. I am just honest reviewer with 7 year old expirience and 12 year old kid I am teaching makes better music than this. If I can call this ,,music,,
-2 star for NO originality
-1,5 star for using samples only
-1 star for no mastering, compresions, no effects etc...
See the difference between your review and my review is that it was to help you make your song better and encourage you to finish the song and make more music. You took it the wrong way and decided to "bully" me or at least attempt to. I know I'm not a great producer. What you will take from my music right now is that it is well thought out/composed, and. Oh, and my pieces are 100% original. Oh and just another thing. It was supposed to be a drop, it was supposed to be a guitar but "thanks" For the input. I'm sure a completely biased review will stick. I take criticism. I don't take children trying to roast me because their feelings gothat hurt from something they weren't supposed to take offence to. And I made a typo at the end. You know the part that says "I'don't" if you thought that was correct spelling then I don't even know, but it was supposed to say "I'd still like to see the end result.." which means I want you to continue it because I think it had a good start. You acan't expect to give an incomplete song a 5 star waiting dude. Sorry if I hurt your feelings u wasn't trying to
Weak intro, very nice drop tho. In this genre drop is pretty much most important so 4/5 :) Good job overal. Loved that piano part either. Panning is wierd but nice :)
I did not even modify the panning..... (maybe I misunderstood)
But thanks for the review!! The intro was supposed to be like the intro for the original.
Thanks for the review!
Really good job :) Finally some good music on newgrounds :D
Thank you very much!
Begin kinda fast, not really a lot of work with intro. Kinda Daft punk feel at 30+ yet sounds cool and original :) Liked it
Also a bit short but ye, why not. Ouuu and dont loop very well. Done make ,,loop,, that doesnt really loop well ;) Make intro, climax, second drop (feel free to repeat first part) and outro and you got self a good track ;)
Thanks for the review, but it does loop good.
Composition wise it's a loop/demo, and I don't think this will ever be a complete thing.
Sounds really good :) Glad I heard it.
Thank you so much Narato! <3
Almost perfect
I really liked the sounds, composition n stuff, just the intro is too long ! :D And drop is gone. It´s probably intention to make kickless track as I listened further, but THE BEAT is where start people to dance via important part of the House genre :)
Took me too long to make the parts before the drop..
I was too lazy to make a drop :D
Velmi dobré :) Chytlavá melodie, krásný drop i nájezd. Outro také nechybí. Na 3min track perfektní :)
Díky to potěší.
Electronic music producer - House, minimal, dnb, electro, trance. techno
Age 32, Male
Czech republic
Joined on 1/6/11