Electronic music producer - House, minimal, dnb, electro, trance. techno

Age 32, Male

Czech republic

Joined on 1/6/11

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New song + Why am I going to quit NG.

Posted by Norato - June 24th, 2012

http://www.youtube.com/user/DJnoratos?feature=mh ee

So these are my TOP 10 reasons why I am leaving NG for now

1) too many haters
2) too many noobs getting to the top charts
3) stupid ranking system
4) no way to get any fans - no subscribe button, only ,,fan,, system, wich is pretty much useless becouse most of new stuff will not show to you anyway.
5) permanent creative common licence
7) Mostly games and animation portal
8) Becouse of people that newer made any song but still giving you useless advices even when they know nothing about music
9) becouse of people that vote 0 even when they didnt heard your song, doing it only to be in front of you > 2)
10 ) People dont appreciate what you are doing for them, they really dont give a shit, also there are too many people uploading new and new songs every day, so there is just so many songs that you can even find the good ones.

THANKS everyone for support here, on NG. You can still contact me on my youtube profile or Skype if you would need any advice or just want to chat with me.


the only reason you're leaving newgrounds is because you're negative about a great place

I am not saying NG is bad place :D I get few fans here, dont think I will get more, so its time to move on.

I actually think those are all completely legitimate reasons to leave.
Unfortunately there is no way of controlling who visits this site...so youre going to get a bunch of jackasses mixed in with some nice people.
For flash, Newgrounds is alot better. For audio...not so great.

Good luck over at YT :)


Quite a few of those reasons have to do with the many children and idiots plaguing the site. It's worth considering that there aren't actually THAT many morons, it's just that the morons tend to open their mouths and leave retarded reviews more than the people on NG that are of higher intelligence.

I newer said all of NG user are morons, especialy when I was one of them :D

Hey man don't give up. I use the haters advice to improve. If I can please people who liked my animation or art then the next step is to improve on what people don't like. You've gotta have commitment. Without it nothing will work. :)

1) I am not giving up :D I am just leaveing NG becouse I have much more fans on Youtube, so its better to focus on them.

2) Haters have usually really stupid ideas, there are few people that helped me, but most of them just dont know what are they talking about.

I don't think an artist should ever really feel like this; "People dont appreciate what you are doing for them".

I think you've made an error in creating works that are for other people rather than for yourself.

I draw for myself. I day dream about people, places, sounds, smells... everything. I think of it as capturing ideas and turning them into illustrations. They are hazy in my head but clear on paper (or whatever material I'm using) that's why I draw them. Also so I won't forget them.

Now, I've submitted some really shoddy artwork to my profile for others to look at, but that's it. I think it's cool that they have their own opinion and all, and are free to comment cause that's just the way NG and the world works, but I don't really take their own feelings and go back to change my work. Cause that would be adding their own creativity to MY work. I want my work to be soley mine (unless collabin').

You seem to be trying to make something for people. I don't think that's a very productive way to be creative or to nurture your own creativity (one of the reasons why I disagree with the schooling of arts).

I feel you should make stuff for yourself and say to others "Hey, check out this track I just made, Imma share it with you".

Personally I don't think you can go wrong that way.

Don't know what to say except "That is Internet! It sucks as much as it is awesome:"


You're leaving NG for Youtube? Really? It's so sad you care for fans instead of good content. It also negates 9/10 problems you have with NG, since Youtube is filled with children, haters, people who don't deserve the attention they get etc.

Shame on you, Norato.

sorry you feel that way, tho i think youtube is overplagued on a scale larger than NG, yes there will be haters, but often times someone giving good advice is mistaken for a hater. my only suggestion is, most the songs i checked are either really lacking in any climax point, or anything to really pull you in, just seems like loops... but that could be cause most the songs i listened to where labeled works in progress.... ne way.. farewell and good luck

I agree with your reasons why to leave NG.

You should sign up on Soundcloud.

Soundclound is commerecial shit. Yes, you dont have any advertisments, but unless you paid them, you are not even getting any trafic to your channel.

Oh dear, I'm afraid I got "owned". I better shut up since Youtube is a place far superior for in-depth reviews and analysis. I'm a ignorant, conformist asshole and you are completely right.

Seriously though, pull Youtube through your little top 10 list filter. Same issues, even more relevant. Only difference is that more people will subscribe. I'm not being a villain here, I'm asking you to think critically before acting. Youtube's the bigger cestpool.

Since all the reasons you listed are pretty much bullshit except for getting new fans, I assume that's the reason you're leaving NG.

I don't care about your plans or whatever, just pointing out that Newgrounds is a place for artists. Youtube is a place for d-list celebrities. Since I take my own work seriously, I stick with the artists.

I'll stick with NG thankszbye have fun

whatever. I am not saying that you have to leave NG.

You're choosing YouTube over NG?


I don't see how test-object was being an asshole, not like he made any personal jabs, you're acting like a child. If you had any real intention of quitting NG, you'd have just done it already instead of making this post hoping somebody'll ask you to stay.

1. This is extremely ambiguous, there will be people who don't like you everywhere you go.

2. Charts are only determined by what the audience likes and ONLY that. If you love your style, DO YOUR STYLE and enjoy what you get from it. If you want to top the charts, work the crowd.

3. Once again vague as hell... Ranking of what, and what does "stupid" mean when it comes to a ranking system?

4. There is a way to get fans, IT'S CALLED CONSISTENCY. KEEP PRODUCING.

5. The CC license here is really flexible, basically the only thing you can't do is just completely resubmit somebody else's song and take credit... other than that, it's up to the artist.

6. Because there's not 50x as many kids on YT... right.

7. Mostly WHAT with the Movie and Game portal? "Mostly" doesn't describe anything. If you mean more people come for them, then that's the audience. If you want a music-specific site, go to a MUSIC SPECIFIC site.

8. You don't have to be an artist to know about art. Everybody's opinions mean something. There's plenty of artists with horrible taste and plenty of consumers with great taste.

9. I'm assuming if you've seen multiple people doing this at their computers with your own eyes to have said it with such certainty, unless you're just saying that because you get shitty scores. If someone does that, who cares? It's just numbers, it doesn't change your music itself.

10. This is perhaps the most illogical one. You're not doing anyone a favor by making art, the audience doesn't OWE you anything. They don't have to listen to your work and you don't have to show them. Get your fuckin' priorities straight. If you aren't a working professional producing for direct commercial reasons, you should be making your work to express yourself and have fun, not get your ass kissed.

You think there's less competition on YouTube, the world's biggest casual user-generated content site, than on here? Wow. You would use the same criteria to find good music on YouTube that you would here, scores, views and links. You've been here only a year, so that means in a year you're going to "leave" YouTube for the exact same reason

heh. First of all I allready apologized to him via message. Second, I just wanted to leave a message on my channel that this channel is closed and stay closed for some time, so people that liked my songs can still check out my latest work on Youtube, so it doesnt look like I quit makeing music u know :D

1) meh, I newer heard as much bullshits as here on NG. 14 year old kid giving me useless advice to raise the bass EVEN when he dont have subwoofer ? :D wtf man

2) There are way more talented people on NG that are very very underated.

3) ? what

4) last 3 days I get + 8 fans, wich is around 30% of my tottal fans, anyway, I am getting bigger trafic and support on Youtube :) Once again, people dont really care here

5) I saw few videos on Youtube of people using my song and not giving me credit or anything, I wasnt pissed off btw. Just saying.... I actually appreciate and promote people that are using my songs IF they ask and I allow it. They basicly steal my song.

6) no sir, there´s not. Reasons ? First, way harder registration. Second, kids are getting to NG thanks to animations and games. But whatever, I dont have anything extra agains kids, when they are not trolling.

7) Most of the people are here for games and movies. THE END

8) There are actually some very talented artist on NG, like mr Ardwark for animations, Avizura for music, etc...

9) I and my friiends get 0 bombed about a month ago. And no, I am not getting shity scores :D I actually was in Best audio this month / year and popular audio pretty often, mostly even on first place. And I agree with your opinion on this one :)

10) and no sir. You actually ARE doing a favor to people by makeing art, especialy when it is for free. You guys tottaly dont understand this. People like my are doing stuff FOR FREE only to get some respect, but thats not enought for you guys. People on Youtube actually donated me money only for that they heard my track, that would NEWER happen on NG. People on NG feel free to steal your song on wich you worked for a month, use it in their video and dont even say thank you, just no big deal here huh.

xkore was here for like what 3 years, What about paragonx9, cornandbeans, f-777, they were here for a pretty long time! You are too impatient. You must be old and need things immediately
D: *don't take to seriously*

I actually 100% agrees with you :) and Paragonx9 is sh*t, newer liked his work and newer will. F-777 is on the other hand really good and I like almost every of his songs. Paragon just made few ok songs wich spread really fast. Its just may opinion, so if you like Paragon, its your opinion and I am not takeing it from you, just saying what I think about him.

Well, I'm a fan. And music is music anywhere it is right?
Keep kicking ass.

I think there should be some kind of age limit for newgrounds too. I hate toddler spam. :/

Thanks man

I like your strategy. There are more comments on this news post then on all your previous ones combined and more comments tend to mean more traffic and more exposure for your songs. I bet you get more views of your songs and more people adding your page to their favorites in the next few days then at any other time since you joined Newgrounds. If you really want to drag it out you you might periodically make a New post talking about how great things are since you left NG. I look forward to seeing those posts in your Newsfeed.

Not everything is about traffic. I honestly can say I wanted to leave NG and I REALLY DIDNT expect that many feedbacks.

I allready had the best traffic here than on others of my channel, many of my songs even have over 1000 plays and 100 downloads, but as I said, its not about numbers, its about peoples.

Man you need to stop adding happy smileys at the end of a sentence you were clearly experiencing anal holocaust while writing. Also fallacies, fallacies everywhere.

ahaha :D

ok guys, I really DIDNT expect that many people would care about my leaveing and to the point > I officialy decided to STAY here on NG becouse of you guys.

Since today I will try to upload the songs I didnt upload here yet. I said try becouse I always had problems with uploading songs here, on NG. Actually some of my friends were doing it for me :)

Many of the points you brought up for why you "were" going to quit NG were pretty subjective as many people have already noted, but that doesn't mean that they should all be discounted. There are problems with the Newgrounds audio portal.

1.) Unlike the Movies and Game Portal there is no award system
2.) Voting on audio does not contribute to your Voting power/experience.
3.) There are rarely tournaments, competitions, or collabs based on the audio portal (I for one have never seen any mentioned on the Frontpage)
4.) The creative commons licensed you mentioned. Those who want their music available to stream, but protected under copyright don't have that option. While I understand that this is as much a philosophical as a practical position for NG, it does reduce the range of audio content we can have here.

The other issues you mentioned have to do with either design choices or demographics.

NG is powered by a relative young demographic that plays games and is intricately involved with popular culture. That is part of the reason why a significant chunk of the most popular games and movies have to do with either games or popular culture. It is also the reason why the art and audio portals have that bias. As for haters, they can be found on every platform. You must be aware of that from youtube as well and while some sites do a better job of weeding them out, you will find trolls everywhere you go.

The ranking and fan system are more of a design choice and I don't see NG changing them up for the audio portal. They are biased to their demographic that mostly uses NG for viewing short games and movies. I imagine if you checked the metrics you would find that something like 90% of NG traffic goes to those two places. While that is kind of a cop out it is also intrinsic to the design of the site, so I don't see the staff changing it just to improve the environment for the audio portal.

Tom originally designed this site as a game and movie portal and himself produces Games and Movies almost exclusively . Audio and art was only added later and continues to be a relatively minor part of the site. The audio portal is specifically designed to make it as easy as possible for artists and programmers to include in their movies or games.

Unless musicians advocate for change to the audio portal as a group, these and other problems will remain.

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